Sunday, 14 December 2014

Sisters, heads up!!!
I just read this on one of the blogs i follow, from

Fetish Pornography Censorship in the UK

I remember hearing about it but sadly the fact it has now taken effect in the UK.  A reader sent me this message and I do feel strongly about it.   This level of censorship is disturbing and can happen in any country. 
I’ve included several links to help inform those who are curious about it and if you are an UK national then please sign the epetition.
1) British BDSM Enthusiasts, Say Goodbye to Your Favourite Homegrown Porn | VICE | United Kingdom:
2) New laws on porn ‘will criminalise thousands’, according to opponents of proposed legislation | Art and design | The Guardian
Reader’s message:
  1. Hey, i’ve been following your blog for ages now and i really hope you read this.
    I don’t know where you’re located, but in the UK the government has passed a law without vote or debate that bans almost all fetish porn.
    Even Female ejaculation and face sitting has been banned because it’s ‘dangerous’. (Whilst male ejaculation is perfectly fine and legal)

    All i ask you to do is share this link to an E-petition and please help our cause get some attention.

    Oh, you might find it interesting to know that law was protested by a bunch of people face sitting outside parliament today!

Friday, 12 December 2014

Still breathing, still there, also: Things that might spark your interest Part III

I was a bit lazy to update the blog lately, but today im doing it.
As some may know, i love webcomics, and there are some realy realy good out there.
Today im showing you one that is certainly NSFW.
Oh joy, sex toy
Tips, Tricks and Introductions about Sex Toys and related stuff.
Have fun reading

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Saturday Party with POC

Today at 11am SLT we will have our fun with DJane Morgane and the lovely girls of POC.
The party's topic will be Anime, and POC will offer free Giftcards and the chance to win a big Giftcard.

You can find us at Latexia

Friday, 26 September 2014

HUGO is back

After a month hiatus, HUGO Design is back with us in Latexia.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

First Landing - Grand Opening Party

The sisterhoods new RP area on the groundlevel of Fetish Voodoo opens TODAY.
The opening party starts Sunday 21st September at 11am SLT
Come and bring your friends Latexia

Saturday, 30 August 2014

First Landing the Trailer

A roleplaying area set up in the sisterhood universe. Feel free to take a look, or even become a permanent resident here.

It is found on the Ground Level of Latexia
Use one of the teleporters to get there easily

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Its Saturday... PARTY

It is Saturday, and as every Saturday at 11am SLT we have a party in Latexia. DJ Lynn Ronas will give us the tunes and we will have POC as sponsor, so Giftcards for everyone and a special gift card for todays "Best in Black or White" contest.
See you there


Saturday, 2 August 2014

Party: Ponys & their riders

Todays Party, at 11am SLT will feature a new DJane. Let DJane Tamylein surprise you with her collection of music.
As topic we have "Ponys and their riders" so get in your pony outfit or shine up your riding boots.

See you there

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Talk: Honesty and Trust in a BDSM or D/s relationship

On Thursday the 31st July at 11.30am SLT, we will have a open talk about Honesty and Trust in a BDSM or D/s relationship
It is an open event, bring friends and family and all you think would be interested
Latexia Home of the Latexdolls

See you there

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Party in Latexia

POC as our Sponsor and Kendra as our DJ will give you some hot evening today, 11am SLT in Latexia.
Come all

Latexia POC party

Sunday, 1 June 2014

PonyDoll New official tack

PonyDoll 660 of the Latex Sisterhood modeling our newly approved tack, hopefully to be seen around the SL ponygirl scene soon, Praise the hoofed Latex! *whinnies*

New Uniform is official now!
Sun Jun 01 2014 13:10:06 PDT

Good news ponies & trainers, M829 has given her final stamp of approval on the new uniform, those of you with only the old can still wear that as official also, you already spent enough on it. Please see the group announcements or see me for a full list & where to get it all, as  right now we don't have any dispensers in the help desk.

Praise the Hoofed Latex!

660 Deputy Stable Mistress

Speaking of the help desk, DO NOT USE the old CPP vendor, it's broke & just steals L$ !!!

Oh, i just realized this is my first posting, yay! *whinnies*

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014

HUGO's Party

Last saturday of the month, that means HUGO is back.

Get over to Latexia and have some fun, some chance of a great price, aaaand grab your freebie gift card.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

My sister was a bit fast.... as I would like to add that you should definatly not miss the upcoming parties.

This weekend we got DJ Soulman with a most remarkable time with the ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW ! 

So - be there !

Do not miss it... and come as your favourite character

We hope to see you there......

Party Shedule

Hello everyone.
As you know, we have a party every saturday evening, starting at 11am SLT.
And heres our shedule of events for till the end of May

2014-04-19  DJ Soulman - Rocky Horry Picture Show Party
2014-04-26  DJ Soulman - Golden Oldies
2014-05-03  DJ KittyLady - Be a proud american !
2014-05-10  DJ Ara - Call of the Celts
2014-05-17  DJ Lynn Ronas - The Great Mix
2014-05-24  DJ Miwa - Spanish Night
2014-05-31  DJ KittyLady - DANCE DANCE DANCE
And dont forgett that every last saturday of the month, we have HUGO's design sponsoring our events, with awesome prices. 

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Attention all PonyGirls & Trainers!

Hi, pony 660 here,

We're gonna have a PonyDolls meeting on Monday, April 14th (tomorrow from when i'm writing this) at 11 AM SLT, to discuss future pony activities & plans, we welcome all sisters to join us as we'd like as much input as we can get, it will also be a good chance if you're wanting in on the group.

Unfortunately M845 (Cel) won't be able to make it i'm told, but you never know, hope to see you all there, & Praise the Latex! *whinnies*

Saturday, 29 March 2014

HUGO is back in Latexia

As every last saturday of a month, HUGO's is back.
And as im currently crazy enough to make videos from nearly everything i see in SL.... well, take a look for yourself.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Saturday party

1st party in march is under the theme "Vive la France" so bring your own baguette. DJ Morgane will spin the plates for us.

The other partys this month are:

March the 8th: Movie Night with Ves Spiker (you can expect a quiz on that day
March the 15th: Our very own DJ Soulman will give us the goodies of Britain. Soul is a pro DJ and you might expect some hidden gems from the island.

March the 29th: Soul again and as it is a last of the month, we will have HUGO's back with us.

Double Soul this month, i might have been a good girl

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Party picture

Just a short look at our party (und du nennst das Kinderdisco Cosma)

Things that might spark your interest

I have a thing for web comics, every morning practically the first thing after standing up is checking the updates (opening roughly 30+ tabs). One of my favourites is also a comic that very much might be something for most fetish lovers around.
I hereby present you:

The comic has been continuously updated since around 2008 and its artwork has improved significantly over the years, it was pretty good to begin with, but you still can see the improvements made from 2008 till now.

At the time i write this, the comic has 695 pages, which qualifies it as a long runner in web comic standards. It switches from sexy to drama to funny to Dragonball but it always has some fetishy goodness in it.
I can just heartily say: take a look and enjoy

Comments as always welcome

Friday, 21 February 2014

Saturday Party - HUGO's is back!

Every last saturday of a month, HUGOs Design is visiting Latexia (with a load of giftcards)

Come and join us, bring your friends and have fun.

Party starts as usual at 11am SLT.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Its time for some storytelling

Dear friends and guests of Latexia,
come and tell or listen to storys near the campfire.
Today at 12pm SLT in the arboretum. (IM Kiriko Kiama for a teleport)
Latexia mall and the temple of the sisterhood of Latex

Praise the Latex

Monday, 10 February 2014

Its time for some storytelling...

Friday at 12pm SLT, we will have a storytelling event.
Come, listen or tell yourself, bring your friends and just simply enjoy a peacefull evening.


Saturday, 8 February 2014

Saturday party 8th February "Olympic Party"

Lets bring all nationalitys together and compete in sexyness.

Join us in the Olympic Party in Latexia, have fun, meet friends, listen to DJ Ves Spykers awesome music. Contrary to certain other Olympic events, we also are very happy to have boys kissing boys, and girls kissing girls around.

Have fun, bring your friends and random abducted people with you (cages avaiable)

Party starts as usual at 11am SLT

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Saturday Party with DJ Balian

Topic is "Forge a heart of steel"...

and i sincerely have no idea what that means.

Well, we do have cool music, so come anyway Latexia

Monday, 27 January 2014

A story

Once in a while, we have storytelling events in the sisterhood (note to myself, make one again).
This is a story told during one of those events. A certain character was shamelessly stolen (but i hope i did steal it at least very well)

One of the storys from the storytelling event February 2013

[11:35] Kiriko Kiama: Our story starts in a small coastal city.. a young man, who has lived his entire life there since his birth was walking along the harbor pier....
[11:36] Kiriko Kiama: not knowing what todo with his free time today, he lazily watched the busy fisherman unloading their boats, the merchants getting the fish...
[11:37] Kiriko Kiama: untill something struck his eye... a girl, which he never has seen before in this city, white skin, raven black hair,,,
[11:38] Kiriko Kiama: he became curious... wandering slowly to her, smiling... "Hello. New here in town? What are you doing?"
[11:39] Kiriko Kiama: She shrugged a bit, but smiled back, a kind of sad smile, her eyes dark and deep like eternity itself... "Enjoying it while it lasts..."
[11:41] Kiriko Kiama: A bit confused the young man asked back.. "While it lasts? You mean the sun....", it was a rather sunny day... late in the summer but clearly not to late to worry for the darker time of the year yet... "im sure we will have many sunny days left...!"
[11:42] Kiriko Kiama: From the girl just came a "hmm..." and as the man looked shortly for the sun and back to the girl... she was gone...
[11:44] Kiriko Kiama: The young man stared at the spot the girl was sitting.. wondered where she vanished so fast... or maybe.. did he walk to long in the sun today and all was just his imagination?
[11:45] Kiriko Kiama: The rest of the day he allways had to think about the girl... the whole evening she was somewhere in his mind... always lurking in his thoughts... "Enjoying while it lasts..."
[11:47] Kiriko Kiama: The night came... the young man couldnt sleep... it was way after midnight as he stood up frustrated... clothed himself and started to walk around in the town again...
[11:49] Kiriko Kiama: from a far corner of the town he heard then music.. talking... he was drawn to it... like a moth to fire... on a small marketplace, there where benches, fires, food and drinks... and several handfull.. random people of the town... some young... some old...
[11:50] Kiriko Kiama: he counted about 30.. and the blackhaired girl... who came smiling to him...
[11:52] Kiriko Kiama: "Hello...", she said... "i invited you... and the others.. i know you cant come tomorrow...!"
[11:53] Kiriko Kiama: He was... confused... again, thought already that it starts a habbit with this girl next to him, but then he stopped to worry and enjoyed the wine and food...
[11:54] Kiriko Kiama: it lasted till the sun went up again... then the people went home.. fresh as if they had sleeped... it all felt like a dream anyway....
[11:56] Kiriko Kiama: the young man itself went to work near the pier soon afterwards... thinking about that strange party he had with so many other people who where completely unrelated... was it even real? Have he dreamed? And what did the girl mean with "i know you cant come tomorrow..!" ??
[11:57] Kiriko Kiama: As the sun was on its highest point.. he went out to get some food... walking down the piers, he saw, again... the raven haired girl... this time watching the sea...
[11:58] Kiriko Kiama: He came to her... a bit carefull this time.. something wasnt right he thought to himself...
[11:59] Kiriko Kiama: "Hello... it was a nice party this night...", she barely reacted... so he continued, "hmm.. what are you doing now?" he asked... and she only said... "im waiting now..."
[12:01] Kiriko Kiama: "Waiting for what?", he wanted to know whats up with this strange girl... but she only started to point out into the harbor, which was suddenly void of any water...
[12:03] Kiriko Kiama: He only heard "We will see us again.... but it will still take a while for you...", as he looked again for the girl.. she was gone again...
[12:04] Kiriko Kiama: He looked at the place where she was sitting... then again into the dry harbor... then again on the spot where the girl was...
[12:05] Kiriko Kiama: Then he heard something... a rushing sound... loud... terrifying...
[12:05] Kiriko Kiama: he looked again to the harbor... and saw a white wall coming...
[12:05] Kiriko Kiama: that was the last he saw....
[12:06] Kiriko Kiama: for a while...
[12:06] Kiriko Kiama: He woke up... pain in his body all over... wet.. cold...
[12:07] Kiriko Kiama: at first he didnt know where he was... and with the injuries he suffered wasnt able to help himself...
[12:08] Kiriko Kiama: it took a while till he realised what happed.. and a little longer till help reached him... but as he was taken away by helpers, he saw what was left of his town... only ruins...
[12:11] Kiriko Kiama: The town was hit by a tidal wave... and the survivors could been counted easily... about 30... random people of the town.. young and old... the same that where on the party this one night....
[12:12] Kiriko Kiama: He remembered the sentence that the ravenhaired girl spoke as he joined the others during the party... "i invited you... and the others.. i know you cant come tomorrow...!"
[12:13] Kiriko Kiama: Her face followed him over the years in his dreams... and random thoughts over the day...
[12:14] Kiriko Kiama: and he did saw her again... about 50 years later... as she greeted him with "Told you we will see each other again...!"
[12:14] Kiriko Kiama: --- the end ---


Sunday, 26 January 2014

it is alive inside......

... or the Let-out-the-irish-in-you-Party

Picture taken from

Another smashing success.... the Sisterhoods weekly party. This weekend sponsored by HUGO again.

... the host - Ríona

the cute HUGO rep - Candi
we been so green.....

The DJ - Sister Morgane
a naughty Head Mistress
green and naughty *smile*

Thursday, 23 January 2014

... are you ready for the next HUGO-Party ?

Our sister Morgane Stacysdóttir will be playing the songs of the celts *smiles* Also there will be again great gifts to be won !!!

Do not miss it !

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Pictures of todays party

Things that might spark your Interest

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Saturday Party

As usual, our party starts at 11am SLT in Latexia.

DJ MiCi will give us some of the dark side of music 
(i think there must be cookies involved then!)

Friday, 10 January 2014

Saturday Party

Its all the 80ties on Saturday in Latexia.
Sister 656 will start DJing at 11am SLT with some sweet sweet oldies.
Join us all, bring your friends.

Things that might spark your interest

Hello everyone,

usually i write about the sisterhood here or what happens in Latexia, but sometimes you just have to look a bit further.
There is a comic out there in the Internet that covers some fields that the sisterhood regularly visits as well. Some might know the artist Shiniez already and have visited his deviantart page, but his comic Sunstone is available here for a better viewing (IMHO) (OK, sometimes the page is laggy as hell).

Here is a small sample of the artwork, the comic is in the same high quality

Oh by the way, comments are always welcome.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Saturday party

Be invited to our next party this saturday, 11am SLT.

The topic is Demons & Dolls, DJ Edger will be playing

Come all and bring your friends
