So, what is this all about? Well, I decided to give you an
extremely condensed version of the background world that the sisterhood
lives in, the full version would pretty much kill the blog because it
has grown enormous in the last 6+ years.
Some of the most significant parts of our background would start on earth, of the late 21st century.
pretty much grew to the point where the resources available weren't
enough for all, Cities grew together into extremely huge Megacitys, some
with over 100 Million inhabitants, corporations had power and influence
comparable to country's, fights over the dwindling resources where
A young archaeologist vanished in the Yucatan jungle (yes, that's significant, but I wont tell more)
group of scientists with an unknown financial backer created the B.S.R.
probes (Beyond Sol Reconnaissance) who travelled with about 10% of the
speed of light on a mission to search for extraterrestrial life and
suitable planets, they had a second mission, unknown to the public,
carrying a highly developed artificial intelligence, automated factories and
samples of human eggs and sperm with them.
And someone on eart pushed a red button, which pretty much messed up things.
Meanwhile, the B.S.R. probes happily went their way, and some actually found suitable places to deliver their own payload.
One was pretty lazy and stayed in the neighbourhood, creating a colony on Mars.
One found a huge abandoned space station and created a colony there, now called "The Structure"
One messed up and had no choice than land on the barely habitable Planet called "Hades"
One hit the jackpot and landed on the paradise Planet called "Eden"
One splashed down on the water planet called "Harbor"
One landed on the arid and cold planet called "Dust"
And some might still travel around.
Time moves forward.
the post apocalyptic world, a strange woman covered in something that
could best be called "Living Latex" founded a religious order, simply
called "Sororitas Latexia" aka "The sisterhood of Latex". She had access
to super advanced technical knowledge and spread this knowledge to her
sisters, creating the sisterhood with a purpose of human advancement,
charity and some sweet sweet latex sexiness.
The sisterhood grew and had to deal with many things, especially as they found the colonies.
date is now 2513 (real time +500years), the sisterhood has outpost all
over the place and one of it is the temple you can find on the Sim Fetish Voodoo
OK, that was supposed to be a short condensed version and it already went longer than expected.
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