Sunday, 14 December 2014

Sisters, heads up!!!
I just read this on one of the blogs i follow, from

Fetish Pornography Censorship in the UK

I remember hearing about it but sadly the fact it has now taken effect in the UK.  A reader sent me this message and I do feel strongly about it.   This level of censorship is disturbing and can happen in any country. 
I’ve included several links to help inform those who are curious about it and if you are an UK national then please sign the epetition.
1) British BDSM Enthusiasts, Say Goodbye to Your Favourite Homegrown Porn | VICE | United Kingdom:
2) New laws on porn ‘will criminalise thousands’, according to opponents of proposed legislation | Art and design | The Guardian
Reader’s message:
  1. Hey, i’ve been following your blog for ages now and i really hope you read this.
    I don’t know where you’re located, but in the UK the government has passed a law without vote or debate that bans almost all fetish porn.
    Even Female ejaculation and face sitting has been banned because it’s ‘dangerous’. (Whilst male ejaculation is perfectly fine and legal)

    All i ask you to do is share this link to an E-petition and please help our cause get some attention.

    Oh, you might find it interesting to know that law was protested by a bunch of people face sitting outside parliament today!

Friday, 12 December 2014

Still breathing, still there, also: Things that might spark your interest Part III

I was a bit lazy to update the blog lately, but today im doing it.
As some may know, i love webcomics, and there are some realy realy good out there.
Today im showing you one that is certainly NSFW.
Oh joy, sex toy
Tips, Tricks and Introductions about Sex Toys and related stuff.
Have fun reading